Support us to continue to create life-changing opportunities for Australia’s young people to become personal leaders and take positive control of their lives.
Join schools across Australia as a Youth Opportunities partner, and together we can equip your students with the life-long skills, habits, and confidence to thrive.
Through the delivery of world-class evidence-based personal leadership programs, Youth Opportunities provides a unique interception of social-emotional learning, enterprise skill development, and positive mental health outcomes. Combined with our wrap-around support services, our programs reduce barriers that hold young people back from achieving their potential.
Our prevention and early intervention programs are valuable to all young people. However, we raise funds to ensure we can provide them free of charge to our most marginalised youth to create equity in opportunities for all.
are more motivated toward school
have clear goals, and an action plan to achieve them
improved their communication skills
reduction in the number of young people at high risk of developing a mental health disorder*
*Elevate PLP results