Utilising our expertise in the areas of mental health, wellbeing, enterprise, and personal leadership, Youth Opportunities’ bespoke programs are further tailored to meet individual needs. A range of customisable programs and services that can be adapted to meet the needs of services, and organisations that work with young people.

Bespoke Programs & Services

While the format, application, and delivery may differ, they all have
one thing in common – supporting young people to become personal leaders so they not only cope, but thrive.

Enterprise skills and workplace resilience program

An innovative way to deliver vocational learning embedded within Youth Opportunities Personal Leadership Program. Delivered in a flexible model to support school and industry whilst students complete a specialty industry pathway program or flexible school-based apprenticeship, the program develops the skills participants need to build their enterprise and employability skills, enhance leadership and support successful and sustainable outcomes for their transition from learning to earning.

These programs are designed to combat a myriad of issues identified by young people, schools, and industry affecting retention and successful transition into the workplace. On completion of the Youth Opportunities Personal Leadership Program, participants will also receive an additional 20 SACE credits.

Click here to find out more

Elevate young peoples personal leadership capacity

Youth Opportunities is now delivering ELEVATE workshops to schools and community groups that support the personal leadership of young people to be their best, and address key areas of concern affecting Australian youth today.

Connect – a workshop for Years 7-8 to develop

  • New insight into their communication
  • Strategies to communicate more positively, to build healthy relationships and connection with others
  • A more positive outlook towards themselves

Activate – A workshop for Years 9-10 where participants gain:

  • A deeper awareness of their habits, and how to change habits and attitudes
  • Evidence-based study hacks to increase productivity
  • Tools to plan their time and achieve their goals

Balance – A workshop for Years 11-12 where participants walk away with:

  • An understanding of the importance of prioritising their time
  • An understanding of stress, stress-reduction techniques, and tools to apply self-care
  • More purpose, problem-solving skills, and an understanding of alternative pathways

Our Elevate Personal Leadership workshop series provides young people with:

Confidence, self-belief, resilience and self-image.

Goal-setting skills, habits and the mindset needed to help them achieve their goals

Communication skills to be assertive with a team, advocate for others, and lead.

Leadership to take the initiative, challenge themselves, and have a positive impact on their own lives and the community.

Educator mental health & wellbeing training

Offered to schools to educate, inform and provide strategies for teachers to support young people with mental health struggles.

Need more information on our bespoke services?

Please contact Larry Waller, Head of Training, on 82403133 E: larry.waller@youthopps.com.au

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