We have spent the better part of our lives making investments and this is perhaps one of the most rewarding. To have such a long-term and positive impact on the lives of young people is an incredible honour.” Principal Partner – Living Choice
Youth Opportunities values the support of our business community, who throughout our history, have ensured that our programs and services can be delivered to young people who need our support the most, through their financial and in-kind support.
We are committed to ensuring our partners have a meaningful relationship with our organisation, and can fulfil their CSR goals, which is why we have a dedicated team who support and manage our partnerships.
Partnering your brand with Youth Opportunities where you contribute a portion of the sale to YO can set you apart from similar brands in a crowded market. It can fuel sales, it shows commitment to social responsibility and, importantly, it makes an impact – helping Youth Opportunities support more young people in need.
Your dedicated Account Manager will work with you to create an innovative campaign that meets your sales objectives through on pack promotions, at point of sale, in catalogue or through shelf talkers in store.
We appreciate all kinds of volunteers, but we do require professionals to offer specialised services to help us reduce administration and staffing costs and extend our services to reach more young people in need. We call this skilled volunteering.
We look for people who can donate their time short or long term, or for a specific project or secondment and we are currently looking for support in the following areas: administration, marketing, digital engagement, social media management, IT, HR, policy development, data analytics and event management.
Principal Partner – Living Choice
Please contact our Partnerships & Social Enterprise Manager, Amanda Nicholls on Amanda.Nicholls@youthopps.com.au