2023 Outcomes


  • 44% reduction in students at high risk of developing a mental health disorder


  • 16% increase in engagement
  • 15% increase in perseverance
  • 20% increase in optimism
  • 12% increase in confidence
  • 17% increase in happiness

Self-reported Outcomes

  • I feel more confident 98%
  • I have improved my self-image 96%
  • I am taking more responsibility for making things happen in my life 98%
  • I have improved my communication skills 99%
  • I have improved my relationships with teachers 91%
  • I have improved my relationships with family 94%
  • I have improved my relationships with friends/peers 97%
  • I am more motivated towards school 90%
  • I am collaborating better with others 96%
  • I believe my grades will improve 93%
  • I have developed some strategies for a successful life 98%
  • I consider various perspectives before making a decision 94%
  • I have specific, clear goals to aim for 96%
  • I feel i have a good action plan for achieving my goals 96%
  • I am confident I can achieve most of my goals 97%
  • I have developed better time management and organisational skills 94%
  • I feel confident to step out of my comfort zone 96%
  • I can find creative solutions to problems 95%
  • I have developed more meaningful reflection skills 97%
  • I believe I can take what I have learned from this program and apply it to future situations 97%
  • I would recommend this program to others 98%


  • 35% reduction in students at high risk of developing a mental health disorder


  • 14% increase in Engagement
  • 11% increase in Perseverance
  • 14% increase Optimism
  • 8% increase in Connectedness
  • 11% increase in Happiness

Self-reported Outcomes

  • I feel more confident 90%
  • I have improved my self-image 86%
  • I am taking more responsibility for making things happen in my life 92%
  • I have improved my communication skills 93%
  • I have improved my relationships with teachers 78%
  • I have improved my relationships with family 85%
  • I have improved my relationships with friends/peers 92%
  • I am more motivated towards school 71%
  • I am collaborating better with others 91%
  • I believe my grades will improve 86%
  • I have developed some strategies for a successful life 92%
  • I consider various perspectives before making a decision 94%
  • I have specific, clear goals to aim for 87%
  • I feel I have a good action plan for achieving my goals 88%
  • I am confident I can achieve most of my goals 92%
  • I have developed better time management and organisational skills 87%
  • I feel confident to step out of my comfort zone 87%
  • I can find creative solutions to problems 88%
  • I have developed more meaningful reflection skills 87%
  • I believe I can take what I have learned from this program and apply it to future situations 90%
  • I would recommend this program to others 90%


  • 37% reduction in students at high risk of developing a mental health disorder

Youth at Risk (YAR) Assessment

  • 14% decrease in risk in the area of Education
  • 11% decrease in risk in the area of Thinking & Behaviour

Self-reported outcomes

  • I feel more confident 92%
  • I have improved my self-image 92%
  • I am taking more responsibility for making things happen in my life 95%
  • I have improved my communication skills 97%
  • I have improved my relationships with teachers 87%
  • I have improved my relationships with family 88%
  • I have improved my relationships with friends/peers 94%
  • I am more motivated towards school 84%
  • I am collaborating better with others 92%
  • I believe my grades will improve 89%
  • I have developed some strategies for a successful life 95%
  • I consider various perspectives before making a decision 97%
  • I have specific, clear goals to aim for 92%
  • I feel I have a good action plan for achieving my goals 94%
  • I am confident I can achieve most of my goals 97%
  • I have developed better time management and organizational skills 92%
  • I feel confident to step out of my comfort zone 95%
  • I can find creative solutions to problems 97%
  • I have developed more meaningful reflection skills 100%
  • I believe I can take what I have learned from this program and apply it to future situations 98%
  • I would recommend this program to others 98%