If you require support, there are a number of services that can provide assistance.
Kid’s Helpline
Ages 5-25. Phone counsellors available to talk about anything. Online and email counselling also available.
1800 55 1800 (24hrs)
Email: counsellor@kidshelpline.com.au
(inbox checked 8am-10pm daily)
Ages 12-25. Centres all over Australia: mental health, general health, drug and alcohol and work and study support. Also offers phone and online counselling. Offices in Adelaide, Clovelly Park, Woodville, Berri, Edinburgh North, Noarlunga, Murray Bridge, & Port Augusta.
Headspace phone and online help:
1800 650 890 (9am-1am)
Crisis Care counselling
Counselling and Help for any crisis (abuse, domestic violence, disputes, homelessness, suicidal behaviour, trauma etc.). Staffed by Department of Child Protection social workers.
131 611 (weekdays 4-9pm and 24hrs
weekends and public holidays)
Acute Crisis Intervention Service (ACIS)
Mental health triage and response team: Main point of access into mental health services: provides advice and information in a MH emergency or crisis situation. Staffed by mental health clinicians. 13 14 65 (24hrs)
Short-term support for newly identifying people from a trained volunteer who is gay, lesbian, bisexual, intersex or transgender.
8202 5805 (women’s) or 8202 5192 (men’s)
(weekdays 9am-5pm)
Ages 12-25. Centres all over Australia: mental health, general health, drug and alcohol and work and study support. Also offers phone and online counselling. Offices in Adelaide, Clovelly Park, Woodville, Berri, Edinburgh North, Noarlunga, Murray Bridge, & Port Augusta.
Headspace phone and online help:
1800 650 890 (9am-1am)
Free-call counselling and referral service for those who identify as LGBTIQ.
1800 184 527 (3pm-midnight)
Youth and Family Counselling – Via United Communities
Free counselling for persons under 25 years that identify as LGBTIQ and their support people.
8202 5190 (Mon-Wed 9am – 5pm)
Youth Healthline
Information from nurses and doctors about any health concerns.
1300 131 719 (weekdays 9am-5pm)
Shine SA
Sexual Health Services, including testing, safe sex, pregnancy etc.
1300 79 45 84 (appointments) or 1300 883 793
(info line – weekdays 9am-12.30pm)
Multicultural Youth SA
Offers programs and support to Multicultural
young people.
8212 0085
Nunkuwarrin Yunti (Nunku)
Support for indigenous people, including
counselling and health services.
8406 1600
Yarrow Place (Rape/Sexual Assault Services)
Counselling and medical service for people who have experienced rape or sexual assault.
Business hours: 8226 8777 (9am-5pm)
Emergency after hours: 8226 8787
Freecall: 1800 817 421 (toll free in SA – 24hrs)
1800 Respect
Family violence and sexual assault helpline. Offers telephone and online counseling and can also assist to link in with local services.
1800 737 732
Family Relationship Advice Line
Free call telephone service that helps families affected by relationship or separation issues. Can also refer callers to local assistance services
1800 050 321 (Mon-Fri 8am-8pm, Sat 10am-4pm)
YSAS — Youth Support and Advocacy Service
Drug + alcohol help + advice for young people – phone counseling.
1800 458 685 (Mon-Fri 9am-8pm)
Alcohol and Drug Services (ADIS)
Will answer any questions about alcohol, tobacco or other drugs.
Freecall: 1300 131 340 or (08) 8363 8618 (Mon-Fri 8.30am-10pm)
Ages 12-25. Centres all over Australia: mental health, general health, drugs & alcohol and work & study support. Also offers phone and online counselling. Offices in Adelaide (Clovelly Park), Woodville, Berri, Edinburgh North, Noarlunga, Murray Bridge, & Port Augusta.
Headspace phone and online help:
1800 650 890 (9am-1am)
SYC Trace-A-Place
Youth Gateway to crisis accommodation, offering: referrals to emergency and longer-term, youth-specific housing, information on sourcing and accessing safe accommodation options, and general support and guidance on dealing with the experience of homelessness.
Freecall: 1800 003 308