Enterprise Skills and Workplace Resilience Program

Youth Opportunities, in partnership with the GFG Alliance and two local high schools in Whyalla, successfully piloted our inaugural Apprenticeship Program during 2020.

The program is an adaptation of our long-standing Personal Leadership Program and aims to help apprentices increase rates of retention, and build their lifelong skills and habits to increase workplace success in the future.

The 16 participants explored obstacles they may encounter during their first year of employment, and then identified how to successfully navigate through them as critical thinkers.

The Enterprise Skills and Workplace Resilience Program was a resounding success and has since resulted in the second year of the program running in Whyalla with a new cohort of apprentices.

If your school or workplace is interested in partnering with us to deliver our Personal Leadership Program for apprentices, please reach out to Larry Waller, Head of Training on 8240 3133 or email larry.waller@youthopps.com.au

By having apprentices that are open, team orientated and confident, we will see changes as the business moves towards a newer and sustainable future. It will open many doors for them if they continue on the path they set out. There is a lot of change happening within the business and being able to have the tools to overcome these is important

Staff Member, GFG Alliance

Participants were 2.5 times MORE confident they have all of the skills, habits, and attitudes to be an effective employee after doing the program

Program Highlights

Using pre and post-test measures, participants reported that since doing the program they are significantly:

  • Less likely to use avoidant behaviour when experiencing conflict.
  • More likely to ask for help when they need it.
  • Finding it easier to challenge situations where they feel the right thing is not being done.
  • More comfortable to work with different types of people.

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