In 2023, because of our fantastic partners, Youth Opportunities was able to support over 3,970 young people through our personal leadership programs, graduate engagement activities, scholarships, social enterprise, workshops, and wraparound services.

The measurement and analysis of our programs are as much a part of the delivery as the content itself. Using internationally-recognised measures, such as K10, MHC-SF, EPOCH and Locus of Control, we consistently use statistical analysis to assess the effectiveness and impact of our programs. To learn about the impact of our programs and services, view our latest organisation report.


of our face-to-face Personal Leadership Program graduates are taking more responsibility for making things happen in their lives

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So good to see her confidence boosted and to know she has tools to help her transition to childhood

Parent of Graduate

My life has changed dramatically, Now I am way happier, have better relationships and I am way more confident.


I am now more confident in my capabilities and will be compelled to throw myself into challenges more often



Students undertaking the Personal Leadership Program are asked to complete a wellbeing self-assessment at the beginning, and end, of the program.

Each year, students consistently report significant increases in all areas of wellbeing as a result of the program.

which can result in young people finding full-time work 2 months faster when applying for jobs. (FYA New Work Reality 2018, pg. 9)



higher confidence



developed strategies for a successful life



better relationships with teachers and parents



believe their grades will improve

With a renewed focus on developing emotional intelligence and resilience in young people, the Personal Leadership Program is more relevant than ever – giving tomorrow’s leaders the skills and tools they need to thrive in school, work and life.

Attainment and achievement

100% of Personal Leadership Program graduates received the full 20 SACE points based on their fulfilment of key criteria.




more motivated towards school




developed better time management and organisational skills




believe what they have learnt can be applied to future situations




have a good action plan to achieve their goals

In 2023, Youth Opportunities engaged with:

3,970 young people

graduated 1,470 students

in 97 programs

across 50 secondary & vocational education partners

Our Thrive@School Online programs engaged:

980 students

across 8 schools

Interested to know more?

View our annual report