Mental Health Week – 5 Day Challenge: Day 5 Personal Leadership

P E R S O N A L  L E A D E R S H I P

“Remind yourself, you’re in the driver’s seat of your own life!”

At Youth Opportunities, we believe it’s your choice! Our founder Peter Marshman once said “You can hope the circumstances and situations will be right to make you happy, or you can learn what it is that will make you happy and then become the personal leader who can make it happen”

Take control and become a personal leader with the strength to make decision that will:

+ influence your external circumstances to ensure your success

+ lead your inner self to respond to external circumstances and situation in a manner that leads to success

Think about these key factors, write it down if it helps:

+ Decide to be the person you want to be

+ Establish a goal plan

+ Train yourself with the communication skills that reflect your attributes

+ Keep practising, learning and affirming the goal

Give it a go!

#MentalHealthWeek #PersonalLeadership #TakeCareofYOself #YouthOpportunities

About our Mental Health Week 5 day Challenge

During Mental Health Week we are asking our social media friends to join us for a 5-day Challenge!

We will be focusing on a few keys areas and sharing lots of tips to help you overcome challenges and be the best version of yourself. Including Sleep Hygiene, Healthy Habits, Communication, Stress Management and everyday Wellbeing.

You can follow our instagram for the full content check out the key themes here on our blog.

Our goal is to focus on mental health and wellbeing and help you implement some of these things in your own lives and #TakeCareOfYOself!

Categories: Parents and Caregivers, Schools, Students, Supporters, Training