Welcome back to Youth Opps and 2022! We have an exciting year ahead.
I am excited for 2022. Thanks to a dexterous and hardworking team, in Term 1 we are looking forward to delivering 10 Personal Leadership Programs in 10 schools across South Australia. This will see us help up to 200 young people to take control of their own lives.
Our valued school partners have been the real heroes in this story, working with us through an ever-changing learning environment to negotiate restrictions and prioritise the wellbeing of young people and the surrounding communities. We are so grateful for the flexibility and continued support we receive from the schools we work with, both new and continuing. Thank you for welcoming us to work with your young people and create real, cultural change.
To the Term 1 Personal Leadership Program participants, congratulations on joining the program and choosing growth. I wish you the very best, and am eager to hear what you have learnt at your graduations.
I am looking forward to the next few months of together empowering young people to build wellbeing, enterprise skills, and resilience.
Thank you from a very grateful Head of Training.
– Larry Waller, Head of Training.